Rates and Rebates

At Inner North Medical Clinic, we spend that extra time with each person. We minimize wait times and provide better and more thorough medicine through extended consultation times. Our standard consult is 20 minutes, rather than the whizz bang 15 min in and out of many other GP clinics.

We are a private billing clinic, with a small gap aimed at allowing more time and better care. Our fees are some of the best in the private GP industry. Fee structure involves initial upfront payment of GAP + Medicare rebate, with Medicare rebate being instantly returned while at Reception.

All pricing and fees assume access to Medicare subsidy. If no access to Medicare subsidy, pricing will differ.


General Consultation

20 Minutes

Standard appointment for adults.

Our fee: $66 out of pocket GAP + Medicare Rebate

Note: *On weekends and after 6pm a surcharge of $54 applies

Mole Mapping

60 Minutes

Comprehensive Skin Cancer screening with full body digital Mole Mapping

Weekdays: Our fee: $329.00 out of pocket GAP + Medicare Rebate

Iron Infusion

40 Minutes

Iron Infusion including iron infusion kit

Our fee: $287.00 out of pocket GAP + Medicare Rebate


20 - 40 Minutes

Initial procedural visit: $50 to cover surgical supplies. No Medicare rebate

Second procedural visit: $210 procedure fee GAP + Medicare rebate

Shave Biopsy: $150 GAP + medicare rebate

Laceration repair: $260 GAP + medicare rebate

Extensive skin lesion excisions as per prior discussion with proceduralist


Vasectomy Service

Our fee: $856 + $100 deposit (taken at time of booking the procedure).

A medicare rebate is available.

Healthy Weight Management

Initial appointment $300

Follow-up appointment $200


Insertion of Implanon requires pre-insertion consultation with a Doctor

Insertion: $173.20 GAP + medicare rebate

Removal: $286.20 GAP + medicare rebate

Removal and Insertion: $336.20 GAP in total + medicare rebate

IUD (Mirena/Kylena)

Insertion of IUD requires pre-insertion consultation with our IUD doctors. Script for IUD is provided at this consultation.

Insertion: $371.80 GAP + Medicare rebate.

Removal: Standard consultation fee. $66 GAP + medicare rebate

Occupational Health

All requests from third parties must be accompanied by a signed consent from each client.

Each third party request must be paid in advance.

Case conference (20 mins): $250

File review and medical report: $495 standard. May attract further fees.

Please note each medical record transfer requires a File review.


Fee: $55

For a consultation with the nurse including vaccinations, ear suction and other nursing services.

Focussed Psychological Strategies

Focussed Psychological Studies - $180 out of pocket (60 mins)

Failing to Attend

Booking an appointment and not showing up takes away appointment times for other people who might really need them. Failure to attend fees are more about keeping appointments open for others.

Failing to attend an appointment or cancelling with less than 24 hours notice incurs a $66 fee. We are pretty relaxed about it though, so only really used as a deterrent for repeat offenders!